UK Taxation on Dividends and Selling Shares
UK Taxation on Dividends and Selling Shares
With effect from April 2018 the Dividend Allowance is £2,000. This is an annual allowance which means that the first £2,000 of dividend income you receive will be tax-free. For further information please visit the HMRC website at
If you are in any doubt as to your tax position, please check with a professional tax advisor.
Disposal of Shares
A charge to capital gains tax (CGT) may arise when you dispose of a chargeable asset - for example shares - which is worth more than when you acquired it. If you make a loss on the disposal of a chargeable asset, this may reduce the gains made on sales of other chargeable assets. You are liable to pay tax on your total chargeable gains arising on chargeable disposals you make in any one tax year (after any reliefs that may be available) in excess of the annual exemption limit.
CGT can be complex, so if you are in any doubt, you should contact the Inland Revenue or an appropriate financial adviser. You should be aware that the level and basis of the taxation of capital gains may change.
Please note that WHSmith PLC, nor its Registrar, can advise on any aspects of CGT.